Sokolov performs experiments on many human subjects, one of whom can be found locked in a cage in the greenhouse. There are empty vials that can be filled with elixir in the greenhouse. One of Sokolov's paintings can be found on the first floor, and the house also has a whale oil-powered elevator, which connects the first level with the library. It is heavily guarded by both the City Watch and Overseers and has a few walls of light for protection, but the greenhouse has only one guard. The safehouse itself is separated from the street by a moat. The immediate area around the safehouse is abandoned and derelict. On the roof is a greenhouse where Sokolov often cages his human test subjects.

The safehouse features a wine cellar, a large lower level comprised of Sokolov's studio and some encased machines, an enclosed middle level containing a dining hall and a kitchen, and an upper level housing Sokolov's libraries and quarters.